Pooper Scooper App Features

The app includes field tech mobile app, scheduling, billing, payroll, performance reports, client onboarding, client portal, QuickBooks integration and client and staff management all seamlessly integrated in one scalable software solution.

Field Tech Mobile App

Field techs use the mobile app to produce better work faster while on the go. The field tech app currently supports 3 technology platforms: web, android and iOS.

Field techs use the app to complete or skip jobs, track time and mileage, enter break time and notify clients who requested “on the way” notifications.

Field Tech Mobile App Features 15 day Free Trial


Office staff use scheduler to easily run the entire poop scooping business. The scheduler consists of dispatch board, route manager, recurring schedule and unassigned locations. Recurring jobs are auto-created each night based on your recurring schedule and jobs routes are then optimized and auto-dispatched via field tech mobile app. Routes are displayed via route manager and new locations are assigned service days and field techs via unassigned section.

Scheduler Features 15 day Free Trial


Pooper scooper app billing supports both credit card and check payments. After a client subscription is created, invoice drafts will be automatically generated according to your billing option: prepaid or postpaid. The app also supports one time and initial cleanups that can be charged as soon as jobs are completed. For postpaid clients, skipped cleanups are charged based on skip reason billing setting.

Billing Features 15 Day Free Trial


Pooper scooper app payroll supports hourly, bonus and commission payment structures. To generate your payroll report, you must first specify pay compensation for staff in payroll settings and each week generate pay slips for the previous week. Information from the payroll report can then be copied to your payroll processor interface (example: ADP). Sweep&Go payroll does not calculate tax deductions which are typically handled by your accountant or payroll processor.

Payroll Features 15 Day Free Trial


Pooper scooper app provides critical business charts, metrics and reports. Business metrics are automatically derived based on other information in your account so your office staff will experience the minimum time burden and will be easier to focus on creating a more profitable business and ensuring happier clients.

Reports Features 15 day Free Trial

Client Portal

Clients can update their own info and review billing and scheduling details via client dashboard. Any client changes that would affect billing (example: change of address, adding another dog or pausing the service) would require prior office staff approval. To improve your business process security and reduce legal liabilities, only clients can add new credit cards or set default payment card on file.

Client Portal Features 15 Day Free Trial

Client Management

Office staff can manage the most important and frequent client workflows easily and efficiently. For example, if you add a new dog, it will automatically cancel an active subscription and create a new one which matches new number of dogs. Client details consist of contact info, location, billing, schedule, date, tech and service time, notes, dog info, yard info, notification preferences and activity log.

Client Management Features 15 Day Free Trial

Client Onboarding

Pooper Scooper App offers you a public web page which your new clients may use to sign up for the service on their own. After specifying their zip code and reviewing free estimate info, clients may sign up for the service and enter payment details according to your onboarding form settings. To start onboarding new clients please first complete initial account setup and share the sign up form url with your potential clients. After each new client signs up, you just have to assign them a field tech, start date and service days to start cleanups.

Client Onboarding Features 15 day Free Trial

Staff Management

Office staff can easily manage daily staff processes via staff list, shifts, time and mileage reports plus we included many personalized features for pet waste management businesses. For example, if the start and end addresses are specified for a tech they will automatically be taken into account for their route optimization. You may also set performance targets per individual field tech.

Staff Management Features 15 Day Free Trial

QuickBooks Integration

Pooper Scooper App allows you to easily copy your new clients, invoices and payments to QuickBooks online. If you have unmatched clients in your pooper scooper app and QuickBooks, you may also match them manually. QuickBooks integration will start copying records when the sync is enabled and will stop after the option is disabled.

Quickbook Integration 15 Day Free Trial


Businesses use cross-sells to offer additional services and products to their clients. Cross-sells can be added to regular jobs or created as additional service subscriptions. Example of cross-sells include deodorizing, haul away, tick service, pet station bags and more. By default cross-sells are invoiced postpaid per visit but they can also be created as fixed price subscriptions.

Cross-Sells Features 15 day Free Trial

Multi-Account Portal

Multi-Account portal allows you to control your locations and automatically receive royalty payments. The franchisor is the authorized contact for all locations and receives the volume discount for all franchise users. Each billing cycle Sweep&Go auto-creates invoice drafts based on the minimum amount and % sales volume that Multi-Account portal user may then update and approve.

Franchise Portal Features 15 Day Free Trial

Open API (3rd Party Integration)

Pooper Scooper App allows you to access your data and importaant events via our REST API and webhooks. The REST API is mostly read only except you may add new clients and one time payments. To speed up the integration with 3rd party apps, you could consider using Zapier with Sweep&Go webhooks.

Open API 15 Day Free Trial