Dispatcher use scheduler to easily run the entire poop scooping business. The scheduler consists of dispatch board, route manager, recurring schedule and unassigned locations.

Dispatch Board
Auto-create all your jobs for an upcoming day.
Auto-dispatch jobs to field tech mobile apps.
Easily review field tech comments and completed jobs.
Reschedule, reassign, reclean, delete or recreate skipped/missed jobs.
Easily skip multiple jobs due to bad weather conditions.
Route Optimization
View your field tech routes on a map view.
Check estimated drive and job completion times for field techs.
Reoptimize entire routes and routes in progress.
Customize routes before they are started.
Compare estimated shift lengths among field techs.

View your recurring or one time schedule for each location.
Reassign techs and service days for any location.
Automatically create jobs based on schedule.
Manage all your client locations on the master map.

Unassigned Locations
Assign new client locations easily and quickly.
Reassign client locations after change of address.
Assign locations with initial and recurring cleanups.
Assign locations with changed service days.
Update service days after client cleanup frequency update